Junk Journal

I've got a journal that is affectionately known as trash.
Thought I'd post my favourite pages here.

What is a Junk Journal?

Thank's for asking, curious camper.

For the uninitiated,
a junk journal is somewhere between a regular journal
and an art journal, using primarily found and
recycled materials.

I'll try to find a link to someone who explains it
a lot better than myself.

This be a green(ish) hobby.

Front Cover

Behold! Modge-podged to heck and back.
Future scientists will be able to clone my animals
from the abundance of hair trapped within.

I'll try to get a full scan of it sometime.
For now, enjoy these lil' bits.

Journal Cover

This cover is primarily stickers that I have amassed
over the ages. There is also some washi-tape as well
as found paper scraps.

It makes the most god awful sound upon opening,
this brings me great joy.

Journal Cover