They're Adopted!

If your joints hurt now ('raises a hand'),
you probably referred to this as a toybox.

(click them to see where they came from n_n)

bowterfleye Ghostly Tune ditto Prince Ghost Kitty Badtz Maddie

Ball of Angst Lava Lamp Cameo Last Unicorn GShepherd

Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge - My Chemical Romance Luna Moth Pancake The Devil


Mush! Skele-Lady


Dolls and not-so-dolls I've had fun putting
together on various websites.
Give them a click!
They all should link back to the maker.
Have fun. n_n

Stamp Doll Chubbiez Doll Desmona's Doll
Goth Doll Bizzare Doll

Plant Shelf

I'm really bad with plants,
so this will be digital for now.

The Final Outpost

If you haven't heard of The Final Outpost yet,
I recommend checking it out.

From what I can tell (only just found it myself)
you're a scientist working at an outpost after
a destructive war, collecting samples and
growing species of creatures from them.

Basically post-apocalypse pixel creature rancher?
Anywho, here's my herd so far.

Final Outpost Creature Final Outpost Creature

Final Outpost Creature Final Outpost Creature

Final Outpost Creature

Pixel Quilt

I'm late to all the bandwagons.
Super excited to give this one a go.

Hoping to create my own patch at some point.

Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt border Quilt border Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt border Quilt border Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt Square Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border Quilt border