Website Credits

Layout inspiration @Eggramen
Avatar glitch byMosh
BG image byNatalie @Pixabay
Sidebar BG byDavid Zydd @Pixabay
Button byEZgif
Plant shelf byHillhouse
Emotes byHexed Pixels,
Blanket Fort,andWhimsical
Favicon byWhimsical
Purple Cat byWeb Neko
Mouse Pointer byThepasteldyke
Mouse Glitter bySnazzyspace
Snow BG bySadgrl
User counter byWebsiteout
Matrix falling byBlinkies


Tutorials that I have found helpful will go here.

Why Webdesign?

It was around 1997 that I peeked over my
uncles shoulder and saw him building a wicked
(at the time) webpage.

Child me asked what the heck he was doin',
and he showed me. I took a few notes in my homework
notebook, and went home to our big, clunky, slow yet
beloved PC and failed miserably at making my own webpage.

After several phone calls to my uncle
(that I am certain didn't annoy him at all)
I had the most basic of websites proclaiming my
love of horses. The rest is history.
It was a bug that bit and latched on. I spent the rest
of the 90's and early 2000's building and learning.

Of course as we does, I grew up, adult life hit
and there was a lack of time to create.

I'm here about 15 years later, haven't built
much of anything since life swallowed me up whole.
It was the dreaded Social Media that actually
lead me here to Neocities.

Crazy how writing a few lines of HTML could
reignite that pilot light.